For a team looking to grow holistically, engaging leaders and the entire team in hiring, Covey is a no-brainer

Brianna Byun, Head of People


Clearbit used Covey to scale the company with just one in-house recruiter

Clearbit develops business intelligence to help companies find more information about customers in order to increase sales and reduce fraud. With their data and platform, they help teams not only identify their engaged prospects but also apply the precise targeting and personalization that could mean the difference between a conversion and a missed opportunity.

The Challenge

The number one pain point Clearbit had when they first met Covey was that they were a small recruiting team. They had one recruiter who was recruiting across the org, and it didn’t help that Clearbit was growing very quickly.

Clearbit has seen a lot of growth in the past three years since Brianna, their Head of People joined. When she first joined, Clearbit was about 40 people. With great processes and financial stability, they are at about 180 people now without having to take on additional outside funding.

Since Clearbit has been working with Covey, they've moved from a San Francisco-dominated company to be fully remote and their company has tripled in size.

One of the important things that changed for Clearbit is that they were growing a lot on their sales and marketing side. They had a pretty robust engineering team when they started. So they really focused a lot of that growth on the sales and marketing side with Covey. That has switched recently. Now they've got a lot of focus on the engineering side and Covey is still delivering value.

Outcome with Covey

  • Built a strong recruiting culture with great ownership from hiring managers
  • VP Engineering sourced and hired by CTO on Covey
  • Scaled company 5X from a 1-person recruiting team using Covey
  • Increased diverse talent in engineering

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